Welcome to Metsä Group Supplier Portal

Metsä Group Supplier Portal offers our suppliers an interface for collaboration with us. In case of questions, please contact your Metsä contact person or supplierportal.support@metsagroup.com.

Quality Deviation

You can report a quality deviation through the link below

Sign in

Sign in from the link below.
If you are a supplier for Metsä Group and you do not already have access to Supplier Portal, please contact your Metsä Group contact person.

If you are not a supplier but your company is interested in cooperating with Metsä Group, please fill in our contact form for suppliers.
Metsä Group Compliance and Ethics Channel provides an opportunity to report suspicions of misconduct; anything that is breaching the law or is not in line with Metsä Group’s values, Code of Conduct or Supplier Code of Conduct. We want to encourage our own and suppliers’ personnel and other stakeholders to ask questions and raise concerns. 

Metsä Group respects your privacy and processes your personal data in accordance with applicable data protection laws. We use your personal data to contact you and to maintain our business relationship and collaboration with your company. If your company is already a supplier of Metsä Group, your contact details are updated with the information you now provide. Read more from our supplier privacy statement.